Raymon B. Fogg, Jr.

Email: rayfoggjr@fogg.com
Phone: 216.351.7976 x226
Fax: 216.351.5686

Raymon B. Fogg, Jr.

President and CEO of Ray Fogg Corporate Properties, LLC and of Fogg-Holdings, LLC, Chairman of Ray Fogg Building Methods, LLC

Ray Fogg, Jr. began his real estate career with Ray Fogg Building Methods, LLC in 1992. He served as Property Manager, Leasing Agent, Sales Agent and Vice President of the Real Estate Division. In January, 2000 he purchased the real estate division of Ray Fogg Building Methods, LLC. forming Ray Fogg Corporate Properties, LLC.

As President and CEO, Mr. Fogg has primary responsibility for Fogg’s real estate business, overseeing all development, investment, leasing, property maintenance, property management, brokerage, financing and asset management matters. In addition, he is the CEO of over 70 real estate entities.

The Fogg portfolio includes approximately 3,500,000 square feet of industrial and commercial real estate.

Mr. Fogg is a past Chairman of the NAIOP Business Parks Forum, a group of prominent real estate developers from throughout the country, which meets twice per year to discuss the industry.  He holds a real estate license in the State of Ohio and is a member of NAIOP (National Association of Industrial and Office Properties).

In addition to his real estate business, he has a career as a professional entertainer, songwriter, and comedian. He performs over 50 music-comedy shows per year in notorious party resorts like Put-in-Bay, New Orleans and Key West as well as throughout the Great Lakes. He has six CDs to his credit. He also is an avid pilot and Founding President of 3 Whiskey 2 Pilots Association, LLC.  In 2014, along with partner Andy Christensen, he founded and opened Reel Bar, a popular restaurant, bar and entertainment venue in Put-in-Bay, Ohio.