Company Bios

Our Founder

Founder, Ray Fogg Building Methods, Inc.

Executive Officers

President and CEO of Ray Fogg Corporate Properties, LLC and of Fogg-Holdings, LLC, Chairman of Ray Fogg Building Methods, LLC
 216.351.7976 x226

Chief Operating Officer
 216.351.7976 x244

President and CEO, Ray Fogg Building Methods, LLC
 216.351.7976 x217

Executive Vice President, Ray Fogg Building Methods, LLC
 216.351.7976 x219

Leasing and Brokerage

Chief Operating Officer
 216.351.7976 x244

Director of Leasing and Sales
 216.351.7976 x273

Project Management

Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager

Property Management

Property Management

Property Manager
 216.351.7976 x235


Construction Management

Vice President, Construction
 216.351.7976 x216

Vice President, Sales
 216.351.7976 x242

Executive Vice President, Ray Fogg Building Methods, LLC
 216.351.7976 x219

Designing and Drafting

Vice President, Design
 216.351.7976 x220


216.351.7976 x114

Finance and Administration

Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer
 216.351.7976 x 243

 216.351.7976 x 214

Accounts Payable
 216.351.7976 x 212

Secretary of Ray Fogg Corporate Properties, LLC and Fogg-Holdings, LLC
Technical Specialist / Marketing Director